Saturday, May 16, 2020

An Opportunity for PepsiCo to Help the Earth Sustain its Environment Free Essay Example, 3000 words

PepsiCo is currently exploring alternative energy sources to fuel its manufacturing foods plants such as the adoption of wind turbine power in India to reduce the strain on carbon dioxide levels (Annual Report, 2008). These are sustainable business practices, however, is it enough to ensure that PepsiCo maintains a positive image as an eco-friendly, conglomerate business? There is no evidence that PepsiCo is using this opportunity to use these new business enhancements in the pursuit of providing less manufacturing pollution in the company s promotional strategies. One marketing publication identifies the many retailers in the United Kingdom have been finding success by convincing the public that they are leading players in the war against global warming (Marketing Week, 2007, p. 20). These successes seem to have come in higher profitability and have given some brands higher environmental credibility. This is showing that some companies, perhaps competition, is capitalizing on publ ic relations materials which show their sustainable energy practices or changes to existing manufacturing in a method to reduce global warming. PepsiCo should utilize this opportunity to promote its enhanced focus on corporate social responsibility. We will write a custom essay sample on An Opportunity for PepsiCo to Help the Earth Sustain its Environment or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page What all of this is suggesting is that consumers all across the globe are experiencing different climatological scenarios at differing degrees.

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